Thank you and welcome
Firstly, I'd like to thank you for taking visiting our website. What an awesome decision! We do hope that you enjoy perusing our wide variety of holidays, from short regional breaks in Victoria, to interstate trips, cruises, and international journeys.
Message from the Director
Hi Ladies and Gents,
Thanks for making the awesome decision to come visit our website. What do you think? We've made a few updates recently to make it as easy as possible to navigate.
So I guess this is the part where I tell you a little about myself. Many years ago I decided to try my luck in the Land Down Under, coming from rainy old England. And I've now been fortunate enough to call this beautiful country home for almost 20 years.
I had been working in various roles in the disability sector for some years. Starting off as a Support Worker in high-care residences I had moved through several positions in the industry. In 2017 I made the decision to start my own business, providing supported holidays to people with disabilities.
Now this is the part where I would love to tell you that we have been an overnight success. Unfortunately, there were a few curve balls that were thrown our way. Not least being the new players on the block trying to break into a relatively crowded market. And then there was Covid, which really put a cat amongst the pigeons.
But we persisted, and despite the challenges and setbacks that were laid out before us, we kept faith that if we, as a company, provided the best holiday experiences possible, we would be successful. And to a large degree that has been borne out. In 2017 we ran just over 4 supported holidays, in 2023 we conducted over 40. I'd like to think that our continued growth gives a good indication that we are doing something right!
When I started All Access Holidays it was never my intention for us to be the biggest provider. It was always to provide safe, fun, and innovative holidays to a mix of destinations. As much as possible we aim to offer personalised service that is as individualised as the person. We choose the people who work for All Access Holidays carefully, there are some non-negotiables that we insist upon. Common sense, a sense of humour, caring and compassionate, the people who work for All Access Holidays have these by the bucketload. So anyone coming on holiday with us can rest assured that they are in very safe hands.
Well, that's probably enough from me. Thank you once again for taking the time to visit us. But before I go I'll leave you with one last thought to ponder. Our motto at All Access Holidays is "Adventure Awaits". Some may say this is just a smart (or not so smart) marketing ploy. For us, though it poses a more important question, it asks, where are you? It tells us that out there, there is an adventure to be had. If the last few years have reminded us of anything, it's that none of us should take things for granted. So where are you? What adventure awaits? And if you are reading this, then perhaps today is the day to find out.
Adventure Awaits!
James Bennett